The classifier

Before we continue to build our classifier, let's imagine what the main function will look as follows. It will look something similar to this:

unc main() {  examples, err := ingest("bare")  log.Printf("Examples loaded: %d, Errors: %v", len(examples), err)  shuffle(examples)  if len(examples) == 0 {    log.Fatal("Cannot proceed: no training examples")  }  // create new classifier  c := New()  // train new classifier  c.Train(examples)  // predict  predicted := c.Predict(aDocument)  fmt.Printf("Predicted %v", predicted)}

The use of Train and Predict as exported methods are useful in guiding us on what to build next. From the sketch in the preceding code block, we need a Classifier type, that has Train and Predict at the very least. So we'll ...

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