Face detection 1 

The first face detection algorithm we want to use is the Viola-Jones method. It comes built into GoCV, so we can just use that. The consistency of GoCV gives us a hint as to what to do next. We need a classifier object (and remember to close it!)

This is how to create a classifier object:

``` classifier := gocv.NewCascadeClassifier() if !classifier.Load(haarCascadeFile) { log.Fatalf("Error reading cascade file: %v\n", haarCascadeFile) } defer classifier.Close() ```

Note that at this point, it is not enough to just create a classifier. We need to load it with the model to use. The model used is very well established. It was first created by Rainer Lienhart in the early 2000s. Like most products of the 2000s, the model is ...

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