
Of course we'd have to test our neural network.

First we load up the testing data:

testImgs, err := readImageFile(os.Open("t10k-images.idx3-ubyte"))if err != nil {   log.Fatal(err)}testlabels, err := readLabelFile(os.Open("t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte"))  if err != nil {     log.Fatal(err)  }testData := prepareX(testImgs)testLbl := prepareY(testlabels)shape := testData.Shape()visualize(testData, 10, 10, "testData.png")

In the last line, we visualize the test data to ensure that we do indeed have the correct dataset:

Then we have the main testing loop. Do observe that it's extremely similar to the training loop - because it's the same neural network! ...

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