
As a last bit of transformation, we would need to standardize our input data. This allow us to compare models to see if one model is better than another. To do so, I wrote two different scaling algorithms:

func scale(a [][]float64, j int) {  l, m, h := iqr(a, 0.25, 0.75, j)  s := h - l  if s == 0 {    s = 1  }  for _, row := range a {    row[j] = (row[j] - m) / s  }}func scaleStd(a [][]float64, j int) {  var mean, variance, n float64  for _, row := range a {    mean += row[j]    n++  }  mean /= n  for _, row := range a {    variance += (row[j] - mean) * (row[j] - mean)  }  variance /= (n-1)  for _, row := range a {    row[j] = (row[j] - mean) / variance  }}

If you come from the Python world of data science, the first scale function is essentially what scikits-learn's ...

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