Other things from the previous chapter

Obviously, there is a lot from the previous chapter that we can reuse:

  • The range normalization function (pixelWeight) and its isometric counterpart (reversePixelWeight)
  • prepareX and prepareY
  • The visualize function

For convenience sake, here they are again:

func pixelWeight(px byte) float64 {    retVal := (float64(px) / 255 * 0.999) + 0.001    if retVal == 1.0 {        return 0.999    }    return retVal}func reversePixelWeight(px float64) byte {    return byte(((px - 0.001) / 0.999) * 255)}func prepareX(M []RawImage) (retVal tensor.Tensor) {    rows := len(M)    cols := len(M[0])    b := make([]float64, 0, rows*cols)    for i := 0; i < rows; i++ {        for j := 0; j < len(M[i]); j++ {            b = append(b, pixelWeight(M[i][j]))        }    } return tensor.New(tensor.WithShape(rows, ...

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