Time for action – comparing with analytical solution

  1. First we type in the physical constants given by the problem. Let us use Q = 10 kiloWatts per meter cubed (kW m-3), k = 319 Watts per Kelvin per meter (W K-1 m-1), L = 0.5 meter and T0 = 273 Kelvin:
    octave:8> Q=10000; k = 319; L=0.5; T_0=273;
  2. We then need to specify the number of grid points (including the boundary grid points):
    octave:9>N_grids = 20;

    This gives a grid spacing of

    Time for action – comparing with analytical solution


    octave:10> delta = L/(N_grid-1);
  3. From this, we can set the source term and boundary values:
    octave:11> b = -Q/k*delta^2*ones(N_grids,1);
    octave:12> b(1)=b(N_grids)=T_0;
  4. Next, we need the coefficient matrix which we ...

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