Time for action – changing the figure properties

  1. Let us try to change the plot of the graph above. First:
    octave:61> plot(x, f, "linewidth", 5);

    This command will create the same plot as above, but here we specify the graph property linewidth to have the value 5 rather than 1.

  2. To set the correct limits on the axis, we use set:
    octave:62> set(gca, "xlim", [-5.5 1])
  3. We can also use set to set the line width of the window box and the font size of the numbers on the axes:
    octave:63> set(gca, "linewidth", 2)
    octave:64> set(gca, "fontsize", 25)
  4. The axes labels are also set by the set function. Here the properties are "xlabel" and "ylabel", and the property value is set using the text function:
    octave:65> set(gca, "xlabel", text("string", "x", "fontsize", ...

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