Time for action – putting together mathematical functions

  1. Let us try to calculate the range of the function:
    Time for action – putting together mathematical functions


    octave:12> x = 0.5;
    octave:13> f = exp(-5*sqrt(x))*sin(2*pi*x)
    f = 3.5689e-018
  2. In a more useful vector form:
    octave:14> x = [0:0.1:1];
    octave:15> f = exp(-5*sqrt(x)).*sin(2*pi*x)
    f =
      Columns 1  through   7:
    0.00000    0.12093   0.10165   0.01650  0.02488  0.00000  -0.01222
      Columns 8  through  11:
    -0.01450  -0.01086  -0.00512  -0.00000

What just happened?

It should be clear what Commands 12 and 13 do. In Command 15, we must use the element-wise .* operator. Had we not done so, Octave would try to perform a matrix multiplication between the vectors given ...

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