Time for action – using the cos function

  1. In order to calculate cosine of a number, say π, we simply type:

    pi is the input argument, cos is the Octave function and -1 is the output from cos. When we use a function we often say that we call that function

    ans = -1
  2. What if we use a vector as input? Well, why not just try. We know how to instantiate a vector:
    octave:2> x = [0:pi/2:2*pi]
    ans =
      0.0000    1.5708    3.1416    4.7124    6.2832    

    Cosine of x is then:

    ans =
      1.0000e+000   6.1230e-017   -1.0000e+000   -1.8369e-016   1.0000e+000

    that is, Octave calculates the cosine of each element in the vector.

  3. In Command 2, we created a row vector, and the result of Command 3 is therefore also a row vector. If we use a column vector as input ...

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