Time for action – building Octave from source

Perform the following actions step-by-step:

  1. Download the latest stable release of Octave from http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/download.htm and save it to any directory. The file will be a compressed and archived file with extension .tar.gz.
  2. Open a terminal and enter the directory where the source was downloaded. To unpack the file, type the following:
    $ tar zxf octave-version.tar.gz
  3. Here version will be the version number. This command will create a directory named octave-version.
  4. To enter that directory type the following:
    $ cd octave-version
  5. We can now configure the building and compiling processes by typing the following:
    $ ./configure
  6. If the configuration process is successful, then we can compile ...

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