1.10. Writing Macros

1.10.1. Macro Commands

To Keystrokes Command Name
Start defining a macro C-x ( start-kbd-macro
End macro definition C-x ) end-kbd-macro
Execute last macro defined C-x e call-last-kbd-macro
Execute the last macro defined n times ESC n C-x e digit-argument; call-last- kbd-macro
Execute the last macro defined and then add keystrokes to it C-u C-x ( universal-argument; start-kbd-macro
Name the last macro created (a preface to saving it) ESC x name-last-kbd-macro
Save a named macro in a file ESC x insert-keyboard-macro
Load a named macro ESC x load-file
Execute a named macro ESC macroname
Insert a query in a macro definition C-x q kbd-macro-query
Insert a recursive edit in a macro definition C-u C-x q universal argument; kbd-macro-query
Exit a recursive edit ESC C-c exit-recursive-edit

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