The MATLAB m-files on the accompanying CD-ROM are the implementations used to produce many of the examples and figures illustrating GNSS/INS implementation methods and performance evaluation methods. These are intended to demonstrate to the reader how these methods work. This is not “commercial grade” software, and it is not intended to be used as part of any commercial design process or product implementation software. The authors and publisher do not claim that this software meets any standards of mercantibility, and we cannot assume any responsibility for the results if they are used for such purposes.

There is better, more reliable commercial software available for GNSS and INS analysis, implementation and integration. We have used the MATLAB INS and GPS toolboxes from GPSoft to generate some of the figures, and there are other commercial products available for these purposes, as well. Many of the providers of such software maintain internet websites describing their products and services, and the interested user is encouraged to search the internet to shop for suitable sources.

The following sections contain short descriptions of the MATLAB m-files on the accompanying CD-ROM, organized by they chapters in which they are mentioned.


The MATLAB script ephemeris.m calculates a GPS satellite position in ECEF coordinates from its ephemeris parameters. The ephemeris parameters comprise a set of Keplerian orbital ...

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