Adding to our example project

To get started with testing, let's make an issue on our GitLab project and then create a branch, starting with the issue number.

In our example project, we'll need to update our composer.json file to look like the following:

{    "name": "judges119/monorot13",    "description": "A MonoLog formatter that puts logs through the ROT13 transformation before logging them.",    "type": "library",    "license": "BSD",    "authors": [        {            "name": "Adam O'Grady",            "email": ""        }    ],    "require": {        "monolog/monolog": "^1.23"    },    "require-dev": {        "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.5"    },    "autoload": {        "psr-4": {            "Judges119\\Monolog\\": "src"        }    }}

After you've done that, run the following command:

composer install

This will install the ...

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