The when parameter

The when parameter can be one four values, and controls under which conditions a job is run. The possible values are as follows:

  • on_success: The default behavior; a job will only be executed if the preceeding jobs/stages have passed
  • on_failure: The job will only run if at least one job earlier in the pipeline has failed
  • always: The task will always be executed, on both success and failures
  • manual: A task that requires manual intervention to be started, such as from the GitLab web UI

One example use case of when is as follows:

stages:  - build  - cleanup_buildbuild_job:  stage: build  script:    - webpackcleanup_build_job:  stage: cleanup_build  script:    - rm /dist/*  when: on_failure

In the preceding case, the build job is always ...

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