How to do it...

We start by listing the commits between two tags, v2.3.1.201302201838-r and v3.0.0.201305080800-m7, and then we build on that information:

  1. By using git log with v3.0.0.201305080800-m7.. v3.0.0.201305080800-m7, we will get the commits between the tags:
$ git log --oneline v2.3.1.201302201838-r..v3.0.0.201305080800-m7 

00108d0 JGit v3.0.0.201305080800-m7 
e27993f Add missing @since tags 
d7cc6eb Move org.eclipse.jgit.pgm's resource bundle to internal package 
75e1bdb Merge "URIish: Allow multiple slashes in paths" 
b032623 Remove unused repository field from RevWalk 
a626f9f Merge "Require a DiffConfig when creating a FollowFilter" 
  1. As we have a lot of commits between these two tags, let's count them using wc -l:
$ git log --oneline ...

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