How to do it...

Let's pretend we need to redo the latest commit because we need to reword the commit message to include a reference to the issue tracker.

  1. Let's first take a look at the latest commit and make sure the working directory is clean:
$ git log -1 

commit 3061dc6cf7aeb2f8cb3dee651290bfea85cb4392 
Author: John Doe <> 
Date:   Sun Mar 9 14:12:45 2014 +0100 
    Adds Java version of 'hello world' 
    Also includes a makefile 

$ git status 
On branch master 
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. 
nothing to commit, working directory clean 
  1. Now, we can redo the commit and update the commit message with the git commit --amend command. This will bring up the default editor, and we can add a reference to the issue tracker ...

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