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The archive command can also be used to create an archive for a subdirectory of the repository. We can use this on the doc branch of the repository to ZIP the content of the Documentation folder:

$ git archive --prefix=docs/ -o origin/doc:Documentation

Again, we can list the contents of the ZIP file and the Documentation tree at origin/doc, as follows:

$ unzip -l
   Length     Date   Time    Name
  --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  04-13-14 21:14   docs/
       99  04-13-14 21:14   docs/
      152  04-13-14 21:14   docs/
  --------                   -------
      251                   3 files
  $ git ls-tree -l origin/doc:Documentation
  100644 blob b65b4fc78c0e39b3ff8ea549b7430654d413159f 99
  100644 blob f91777f3e600db73c3ee7b05ea1b7d42efde8881 ...

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