How it works...

We have been discussing the refs/notes/alsoCherryPick reference and so on. As you know, we refer to the remote branches as references, such as refs/remotes/origin/stable-3.2, but the local branches also have references such as refs/heads/develop, for instance.

Since you can create a branch that starts at a specific reference, you should be able to create a branch that starts at the refs/notes/alsoCherrypick reference:

  1. Create a branch that starts from refs/notes/alsoCherryPick. Also, checkout the branch:
$ git checkout -b myNotes notes/alsoCherryPick
Switched to a new branch 'myNotes'
  1. The myNotes branch now points to HEAD on refs/notes/alsoCherryPick. Listing the files on the branch will show a file with the commit hash ...

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