Our first SKSpriteNode class

The SKSpriteNode class https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/SpriteKit/Reference/SKSpriteNode_Ref is the one that we are going to use in order to load the sprites that will be a part of our game.

The SKSpriteNode class is a subclass of SKNode, and it's used to represent visual elements called sprites on the screen by using images. As you are going to need an image to create a sprite (an instance of SKSpriteNode class), perform the following steps to add it to the project:

  1. Unzip the 7338_01_Resources.zip file in the desired location.
  2. In Xcode, right-click on the InsideTheHat group on the Navigator tab, select New Group, and call it Art.
  3. Right-click on the Art group and select Add Files to InsideTheHat…

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