About the Reviewers

Thierry Leriche-Dessirier works as a freelance JEE consultant (www.icauda.com) in Paris. He has 20 years of experience in the Java, web, and Agile development domains. He teaches software engineering at ESIEA (www.esiea.fr), and in between handling two baby bottles, he writes for blogs and magazines, such as Developpez (www.developpez.com) and Programmez (www.programmez.com). He has also created a free online DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness: www.profil4.com) test, which is used to improve management.

Sven Panko has been developing software for the past 20 years and is enthusiastic about and dedicated to software craftsmanship and software design. He has worked as a developer, architect, chief architect, ...

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