Nested contexts

Nested contexts allow developers to wrap a part of a view in a special construction, which offers some additional behavior.

It is possible to create the following types of nested contexts:

  • Foreach: This nested context walks through all collection elements and provides easy access to HTML elements:
    Razor: @using (var items = ko.Foreach(m => m.Items))
               <td @items.Bind.Text(items.GetIndex())>
               <td @items.Bind.Text(m => m)>
    Html:  <!-- ko foreach: Items -->
               <td data-bind="text : $index()">
               <td data-bind="text : $data">
           <!-- /ko -->
  • With: This allows easy referring to a subentity of the main model:
    Razor: @using (var subModel = ko.With(m => m.SubModel)) { using (var subSubModel = subModel.With(m ...

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