Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Communication and Collaboration in Google Wave

In the previous chapter I provided a brief overview of Google Wave, including its base terminology, incorporated technologies, and structure, noting that the platform represents a new approach for online communication and collaboration. In this chapter I discuss some of the fundamental elements related to communication and collaboration with Google Wave, including the threaded conversation model that is integral to Google Wave as well as elements that enhance communication with other participants.


You may be wondering why we don’t just dive right into using Google Wave (the product) to get an idea of how this whole thing works. My goal for this chapter is to further familiarize you with some fundamental elements and concepts before you embark on participating in waves, developing extensions for the platform, or implementing your own wave as a service provider. Right now we’re on the beach, taking some time to wax our surfboards and practicing how to get up on them, before we go out and catch some tasty waves using the Google Wave Client in Chapter 3.

Conversations Are Integral to Google Wave

Threaded Conversations

A contextually-rich threaded conversation model is one of the key elements that makes communicating with Google Wave so valuable. I have taken the liberty of providing a brief overview In the rare case that you are not familiar with threaded conversations.

A threaded conversation is the visual representation ...

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