UserInfo Endpoint

While the Check ID Endpoint will return a unique identifier for the user authenticating to your application, many applications require additional information, such as the user’s name, email address, profile photo, or birthdate. This profile information can be returned by the UserInfo Endpoint.

The UserInfo Endpoint is a standard OAuth-authorized REST API, with JSON responses. As when accessing any other API using OAuth, the access_token can be passed either as an Authorization header or as a URL query parameter.

Here’s an example UserInfo request:

GET /v1/userinfo HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer ya29.AHES6ZSzX

With the response:

 "user_id": "3191142839810811",
 "name": "Example User",
 "given_name": "Example",
 "family_name": "User",
 "email": "",
 "verified": true,
 "profile": "",
 "picture": "",
 "gender": "female",
 "birthday": "1982-02-11",
 "locale": "en-US"

OpenID Connect does not define any specific profile fields as required and does allow for additional profile fields to be included in the response.

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