This Book Was Made Possible By

In the 18 months since the launch of Netduino, so much has happened...and the fun has only started.

Like Netduino itself, this book couldn’t have happened without the help of so many others. Here are just a few of the people that made this all possible.

Thank you to:

You—for purchasing this book and joining the growing worldwide community of Netduino tinkerers. You are why Netduino exists.

Brian Jepson, Limor Fried, and Phillip Torrone—who taught me the importance of open source hardware and have been so supportive of our efforts.

Clint Rutkas and Microsoft’s Channel 9 Team—who have celebrated many of the community’s awesome projects, and who make hacking electronics fun!

Marc de Vinck and the MakerShed team—who were the first to take a chance on Netduino and bring it to a larger audience online.

Stefan Thoolen—for spending dozens and dozens of hours reviewing the book, making recommendations for sample code, creating the netmftoolbox, and more. Also, for being the best moderator ever. You are a good friend.

The Arduino team, especially Massimo Banzi and Tom Igoe—for kickstarting the open hardware movement, for continuing to introduce so many people to electronics, and for warmly inviting me into their world.

Brian Jepson and Marc de Vinck—thank you a second time—you have been so patient during the making of this book, and then you edited and illustrated it so nicely. You’re the best.

Colin Miller, Lorenzo Tessiore, and Zach Libby from Microsoft—thank you for giving life to .NET Micro Framework, for open sourcing it, and for continuing to develop the core platform all these years.

David Stetz, Stanislav Simicek, fellow .NET Micro Framework core tech team members, and others who have contributed to the codebase—your contributions are the lifeblood of .NET Micro Framework.

Miguel de Icaza and the Mono team—for making it possible for Mac and Linux users to write code for Netduino too, and for your open source passion.

Cuno Pfister—your book Getting Started with the Internet of Things was the catalyst for this book, and all your contributions to the community are greatly appreciated.

Secret Labs staff—for demanding perfection and for being so sneaky and quiet while I finished this book.

The entire O’Reilly team—for believing in Netduino and for making this book possible.

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