Install Mono

At the time of this writing, the current release version of Mono (2.10) did not support Netduino. So you’ll need to compile the leading edge version (2.12) of Mono using the current release version.

Install Mono 2.10

Head over to the Mono download page at and follow the instructions to install it for your operating system. If you get there and the version of Mono is 2.12 or later, you can skip the next step. On Linux, you should be able to install it using your package manager. On Ubuntu Linux, for example, you can install the minimum Mono infrastructure needed by running this apt-get command at the terminal:

sudo apt-get install mono-mcs mono-gmcs

Compile Mono 2.12 with Mono 2.10

If you installed Mono 2.10 in the previous step, you will need to compile Mono from source. The easiest way to download it is with Git, a version control system. Mac OS X Lion includes Git, but if you need to download it for an older version of Mac OS X, go to On Linux, you should install the git package. On Ubuntu Linux, for example, you can install it by running this apt-get command at the terminal:

sudo apt-get install git

Now that you have Git installed, open up a terminal window, change directory to wherever you want to download the source to, and issue this command:

git clone git://

This will create a subdirectory named mono. Next, change directory into that subdirectory:

cd mono

Then, configure the ...

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