Chapter 1

Prepare for Liftoff!

However you came here, we’re glad that you did! In the following pages, we’re going to learn a lot about a little red board that we call the MSP430 LaunchPad Evaluation kit. For the purpose of this book, we’ll call our new friend “LaunchPad”.

We’ve got a long way to go, but if you stick with us, we think that you and the LaunchPad can become the best of friends. This could be the beginning of a special bond filled with flashing LEDs, buzzing buzzers, and spinning motors!

May you embark on a journey full of discovery and wonder as you conquer the ultimate quest alongside your trusty LaunchPad.

1.1 Who Should Read This Book?

The LaunchPad is a great introduction to the world of microcontrollers. Interested readers ...

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