Appendix D. Trade Associations, Professional Groups, Publicity Sources

American Management Association

Provides seminars, books, workshops, and even meeting space.

American Society for Training and Development

Probably a must for those focusing on training and related human resources issues. Publishes Training and Development, a monthly magazine. Hosts national events and local chapter meetings.

American Society of Association Executives

If you are looking for an association appropriate for your profession and interests, or want to speak to associations, this may be a logical starting point.


Individual or group participation to hone speaking and presentation skills, including virtual classes, whether in meetings or with the media.

A good source to find consultants, speakers, trainers, facilitators, and others who may be appropriate for buyers' needs, but most important as a source for interviews in all media. You can also send out a free press release every day as a member.

Institute of Management Consultants

The largest and best known of the consulting trade associations for solo practitioners. The IMC provides national conferences, local chapter meetings, insurance, and other benefits, and can bestow the Certified Management Consultant designation. Some local chapters are barely functional, while others are quite active, sponsoring breakfasts, monthly ...

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