Staying Out of Trouble

One thing to keep in mind as you dive into Java interop is that while we can use .method and class/staticMethod in place of functions, they are not functions. They are, instead, special forms, more or less hardwired into Clojure. In particular, you cannot bind a method name:

 ;; Nope. Nope. Nope.
 (​def​ count-method .count)

All is not lost, however: you can use the built-in memfn function to turn a method name into a function. For example, while .exists is not a function, (memfn exists) is. This can be useful when you need a function value. If, for instance, you had a collection of File instances:

 (​def​ files [(File. ​"authors.txt"​) (File. ​"titles.txt"​)])

and you needed the parallel collection of Booleans indicating ...

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