Namespaces, Symbols, and Keywords

Like symbols and vars, namespaces are just ordinary Clojure values, accessible to the mortal Clojure programmer. You can, for example, get at the current namespace: it’s always bound to the symbol *ns*, so that

 (println ​"Current ns:"​ *ns*)

will print something like

 Current ns​:​ #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x76c706bf user]

You can also look up any existing namespace by name:

 (find-ns ​'user​) ​; Get the namespace called 'user.

With a namespace in hand, you can discover all the things defined in that namespace, so that this:

 (ns-map (find-ns ​'user​)) ​; Includes all the predefined vars.

will give you a very large map of symbols to vars, essentially everything the user namespace knows about:

 {primitives-classnames ...

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