
Along with maps, Clojure also sports a built-in set data type. The literal syntax for a set borrows the braces from maps but adds a # to the front:

 (​def​ genres #{:sci-fi :romance :mystery})
 (​def​ authors #{​"Dickens"​ ​"Austen"​ ​"King"​})

Like their mathematical namesakes, Clojure sets are all about membership: a value either is or is not a member of a set. Since a value can only be in a set once, if you repeat a value in a set literal, you’ll get an error. Thus, this:

 #{​"Dickens"​ ​"Austen"​ ​"Dickens"​}

is one "Dickens" too many:

 IllegalArgumentException Duplicate key​:​ Dickens...

Like maps, sets have their own ideas about the order of their elements. The set that you wrote as #{:sci-fi :romance :mystery} is liable to come ...

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