In the Wild

While the REPL-based Hello, World is wonderful for getting a feel for writing Clojure, it doesn’t quite capture the whole spirit of the Hello, World exercise. Along with giving you a feel for the language, Hello, World is supposed to get you to work out the details of going from source code stored in a file to a running program. Happily, we’re exactly one command away from getting a real Clojure project set up on disk. All we need is lein new app followed by the name of the application. So if we were creating a book store–related application for Blotts Books (Ms. Flourish has retired) we might say this:

 $ ​​lein​​ ​​new​​ ​​app​​ ​​blottsbooks

Feed that command into your operating system’s command line, and Leiningen will respond ...

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