Chapter 1

The Big Picture of Social Media Jobs

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding social media’s future

arrow Explaining what social media is — and what it isn’t

arrow Realizing that every single person is a part of social media

arrow Defining what types of entities hire social media professionals

Social media isn’t a fad or a temporary business practice. Social media has forever changed the Internet’s identity and has shifted the way people around the world communicate with one another. It’s where people can interact as seamlessly as on the telephone. Social media has connected thought leaders and fostered innovation, collaboration, and creativity.

For-profits and nonprofits no longer ask whether organizations should participate, but rather how to engage and participate in a meaningful way. Because social media is a constantly evolving industry, people who are willing to cultivate their knowledge and skills have plenty of opportunities.

The best part of the social media growth curve is how new the industry is and how quickly the job market is growing. This means that anyone with the desire can ...

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