Chapter 72. Landing Your Job Is Not the End—It's the Beginning

Let's assume that, with the help of this book, you got the job you wanted. Whew, I'll bet you're glad that's over. Now you can relax, coast a while, and rest on your laurels. Right? Wrong! The factis, your work is just beginning, but so is your glory. There are many career challenges still ahead, such as:

  • Assimilating into your new position

  • Aligning with new company's culture and business priorities

  • Developing habits of Perpetual Career Management, which include:

    • Establishing professional credibility and developing productive relationships

    • Avoiding blind spots, leveraging assets, and planning steps toward advancement

    • Continuing to work with your career coach (if you have one) as your partner in career success


When you land a new job, your work is just beginning, but so is your glory.

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