Chapter 10. When No One's Hiring, Focus and Clarity Are More Important Than Ever

When the economy is in bad shape, when unemployment numbers start to climb, and when no one's hiring, many well-qualified, highly educated, and hardworking people start to lower their sights. Any job becomes preferable to no job in the name of paying the bills. Getting another position (any position) as quickly as possible appears to make sense, because of the old advice that you can always keep looking, and it's easier to get a new job when you currently have a job.

This is flawed thinking, and I've seen it backfire too many times not to warn you against it. If you take the first job that comes along, you'll get complacent. Inertia and fear will set in. I understand that in the short term, it will feel a lot easier to go to a job each morning than to work hard on taking charge of your career, finding a job you love, and earning what you deserve. But as weeks turn into months and months turn into years, you may find yourself stuck in that job you took for the sake of paying the bills. Pretty soon, you will have lost your career bearings, and with every passing day, the notion of changing lanes will become more unpleasant and scary.


As weeks turnin to months and months turnin to years, you may find yourself stuck in that job you took for the sake of paying the bills.

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