Chapter 2The Five Stages of Momentum

Where You Are Now

Look, really look, at your life. Chances are things aren't all that bad. The problem isn't that you have a project you haven't started. The real problem is that your work and your life are pretty good.

Why is that a problem? “Good” can create conditions for feeling stuck. People who seek our coaching know that good enough isn't good enough. They want more. As Jim Collins wrote in his book Good to Great:

Good is the enemy of great. And that is one of the key reasons why we have so little that becomes great Few people attain great lives, in large part because it is just so easy to settle for a good life.

By now you've tried to get organized and be more productive. Maybe you've hired a virtual assistant, downloaded apps to your phone to manage your to-do list, managed your personal time by blocking your calendar, and even asked colleagues at work (or your spouse at home) to handle tasks you don't have time to do.

But you're still busy and not making progress on that big project that you've always wanted. It's time to change.

What We Know about You

After more than 15 years of facilitating workshops on personal productivity, project management, and effectiveness, we've recognized a requirement to getting momentum. Whether we're keynoting at an international conference for 45 minutes or working on-site with a group of executives through a two-day meeting, we know that momentum doesn't happen all at once. Nor does it happen ...

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