
Note: Page numbers followed by “t” indicates table and “f” indicates figure.


Abbattiamento Mercurio e Idrogeno Solforato (AMIS), 266
Accelerational pressure drop, 86
Accumulators, 177
Acid neutralization systems, 344–345
Acidic geofluids, 344
Acoustic noise, 497
Active geothermal regions, 6–9
Adiabatic systems/walls, 535, 539, 540
Adriane boiler, 258–260, 262
Advanced binary cycles, 163–171
Advanced direct-contact condenser (ADCC), 436f
Advanced geothermal energy conversion systems, 183–222
combined heat and power plants, 207–209
enhanced geothermal systems, 444
hot dry rock, 11–12, 444
hybrid flash-binary systems, 189–193
hybrid fossil-geothermal systems, 203–207
hybrid single- and double-flash systems, 185–188
hybrid solar-geothermal ...

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