Using WCS vendor parameters

As with WFS, WMS, or WPS, vendors have the option of extending WCS capabilities with custom parameters. This way some extra functions can be delivered to users to help them manage their coverages.

In the case of WCS, GeoServer offers a basic customization; you can use a vendor parameter to filter out results according to a namespace.

How to do it…

  1. Create a request for the WCS capabilities with cURL:
    $ curl -u admin:geoserver -XGET -H 'Accept: text/xml' -G http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wcs \
     -d service=WCS \
     -d version=1.0.0 \
     -d request=GetCapabilities \
     -d namespace=NaturalEarth \
     -o coverages.xml
  2. Now open the file that stores the results and check that only the coverages from the NaturalEarth namespace are listed: ...

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