
As with any book, this one was made possible by those who helped and worked with me. First, I thank each and every person mentioned in this book. The people who graciously granted me interviews, sent me success stories, and shared their expertise with me made this book possible.

Special thanks go to all my genealogy friends on Facebook: Amy Coffin, Bill Ammons, Bill West, Cheryl Rothwell, Cyndi Ingle, Dick Eastman, Elizabeth Shown Mills, Elyse Doerflinger, Jeanne Henry, Judy G. Russell, Leland Meitzeler, Linda Mullikin of the FHGC in Navarre, Kay Rudolph, Lisa B. Lee, Liz Kelley Kerstens, Marian Pierre-Louis, Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak, Michael John Neill, Myra Vanderpool Gormley, Pat Richley-Erickson, Randy Hooser, Roger Stewart, ...

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