
Brian Burke personal story, 12

gamification defined, 6

Affordable Care Act, 66

AHA (American Heart Association), 5051

airline program rewards, 2526

American Heart Association (AHA), 5051

analytics, 145

Angry Birds, 131

athlete motivation, 3941

augmented reality, 161

Austin, Tom, 49

Autodesk software, 68

autonomy, 19


Bacon, Russell, 4546

“badge fatigue,” 7


open, 155

Open Badges project, 72

in virtual world, 3

Badgeville, 145

Barclaycard Ring, 7985

Baxter, Natron, 143

BBVA Game, 4243, 56, 70

behavior change

building over time, 56

change in focus, 57

customer engagement, 4144

employee focus application, 4448

inspiration, 55

ongoing, 57

in social collaboration, 4850

social recognition, 42

target audience and ...

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