Time for action – Making CarInfo instantiable from QML

First, we will update the QML document to create an instance of CarInfo present in the CarInfo 1.0 module:

import QtQuick 2.9
import CarInfo 1.0

Image {
    source: "dashboard.png"

    CarInfo {
        id: carData
        visible: true // make the widget visible
  // ...

As for registering CarInfo, it might be tempting to simply call qmlRegisterType on CarInfo and congratulate ourselves for a job well done:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;    // this code does not work
    qmlRegisterType<CarInfo>("CarInfo", 1, 0, "CarInfo");    //...

In general, this would work (yes, it is as simple as that). However, it will not work with widgets. It's not possible ...

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