Time for action – animating disk movements

Our animation will consist of three parts, so it will require a fair amount of code. Instead of putting all that code directly into the Scene component, let's put the animation into a separate component. Create a new file called DiskAnimation.qml and fill it with the following code:

import QtQuick 2.10SequentialAnimation {    id: rootAnimation    property variant target: null    property vector3d rod1Pos    property vector3d rod2Pos    property int startY    property int finalY    property int maxY: 12    Vector3dAnimation {        target: rootAnimation.target        property: "pos"        to: Qt.vector3d(rod1Pos.x, maxY, rod1Pos.z)        duration: 30 * (maxY - startY)    }    Vector3dAnimation {        target: rootAnimation.target        property: "pos" to: Qt.vector3d(rod2Pos.x, ...

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