Time for action – Animating characters using sprites

Let's wait no further. The task at hand is to replace the manual animation from the previous exercise with a sprite sheet animation.

Open the Player.qml document, remove the whole image element responsible for displaying the player character, and add the following code:

AnimatedSprite {    id: sprite    source: "images/sprite.png"    frameX: 560    frameY: 0    frameWidth: 80    frameHeight: 52    frameCount: 7    frameRate: 10    interpolate: true    width: frameWidth    height: frameHeight    running: player.walking    anchors.bottom: parent.bottom    anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter    transform: Scale {        origin.x: sprite.width / 2        xScale: player.facingLeft ? -1 : 1    }} 

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