Time for action – Improving the path of the sun

The task at hand will be to improve the animation of the sun so that it behaves in a more realistic way. We will do this by adjusting the animations so that the object moves over a curved path.

In our QML document, replace the previous vertical animation with the following one:

SequentialAnimation {    running: true    NumberAnimation {        target: sun        property: "y"        from: root.height + sunVisual.height        to: root.height - 270        duration: dayLength / 2        easing.type: Easing.OutCubic    }    NumberAnimation {        target: sun        property: "y"        to: root.height + sunVisual.height        duration: dayLength / 2        easing.type: Easing.InCubic    } }

The following picture shows how the sun will now move:

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