Time for action – Character navigation

Create a new QML document and call it Player.qml. In the document, place the following declarations:

Item {    id: player    y: parent.height    focus: true        Keys.onRightPressed: x = Math.min(x + 20, parent.width)    Keys.onLeftPressed: x = Math.max(0, x - 20)    Keys.onUpPressed: jump()        function jump() {         jumpAnim.start();    }        Image {        source: "images/elephant.png"        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter    }    Behavior on x {         NumberAnimation { duration: 100 }     }    SequentialAnimation on y {        id: jumpAnim        running: false        NumberAnimation {             to: player.parent.height - 50            easing.type: Easing.OutQuad         }         NumberAnimation {             to: player.parent.height            easing.type: Easing.InQuad         }     }} 

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