Pop quiz

Q1. Which class can you use to read the data received over the network?

  1. QNetworkReply
  2. QNetworkRequest
  3. QNetworkAccessManager

Q2. What should you usually do with the QNetworkReply *reply object in the finished() signal handler?

  1. Delete it using delete reply
  2. Delete it using reply->deleteLater()
  3. Don't delete it

Q3. How to ensure that your application won't freeze because of processing an HTTP request?

  1. Use waitForConnected() or waitForReadyRead() functions
  2. Use readyRead() or finished() signals
  3. Move QNetworkAccessManager to a separate thread

Q4. Which class can you use to create a UDP server?

  1. QTcpServer
  2. QUdpServer
  3. QUdpSocket

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