Time for action – collecting coins

From Qt Creator's menu, access File | New File or Project. From Qt Files And Classes, choose the JS File template. Call the file "collisions.js". Put the following content into the document:

pragma library

function boundingBox(object1) {
  var cR = object1.childrenRect
  var mapped = object1.mapToItem(object1.parent, cR.x, cR.y, cR.width, cR.height)
  return Qt.rect(mapped.x, mapped.y, mapped.width, mapped.height)

function intersect(object1, object2) {
  var r1 = boundingBox(object1)
  var r2 = boundingBox(object2)
  return (r1.x <= r2.x+r2.width  && // r1.left <= r2.right
  r2.x <= r1.x+r1.width  && // r2.left <= r1.right
  r1.y <= r2.y+r2.height && // r1.top <= r2.bottom
  r2.y <= r1.y+r1.height)   // r2.top <= r1.bottom

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