Spawning the star power-up at random

We still need to add the star power-up into the world. We can randomly spawn a star every 10 encounters to add some extra excitement. Follow these steps to add the star logic:

  1. Add a new instance of the Star class as a constant on the GameScene class:
    let powerUpStar = Star()
  2. Call the star's spawn function, anywhere inside the GameScene didMoveToView function:
    // Spawn the star, out of the way for now
    powerUpStar.spawn(world, position: CGPoint(x: -2000, y: - 2000))
  3. Inside the GameScene didSimulatePhysics function, update your new encounter code as follows:
    // Check to see if we should set a new encounter: if player.position.x > nextEncounterSpawnPosition { encounterManager.placeNextEncounter( nextEncounterSpawnPosition) ...

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