Future Trends Web Game Designers Should Watch for and Take Advantage Of

Advertising-based payments and secondary markets will gain more acceptance as ways for developers to make money. HTML5 is the future of web game development, but Flash still has many years of life left in it. As 3D graphics quality for the web improves, more hard-core gamers will play there. Twitter remains a great, unexploited sharing and promotion platform for web game developers. Keep an eye on Google+ and Chrome, but keep in mind that they’ll probably remain a smaller market for web and Facebook games in the short to mid term. Web games that enable asynchronous multimedia sharing will also likely become big, as will web-based app stores. Look to large publishers and investors to support and help finance your indie games, because many of them are already actively doing so.

See Chapter 10, “Future Trends and Opportunities for Web Gaming,” for more information.

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