KEY 10 INNOVATION Curiosity leads to insight and innovation

Do you remember watching the movie I, Robot (or for the Asimov enthusiasts among us, reading the original novel) and thinking, ‘That's so far out of our purview it's ridiculous’? What about Gattaca, or for that matter The Matrix? In reality, each of these movies contains aspects of our ‘brave new world’ that have become a part of the everyday ‘meh’.

As we move further into the digi-age, the rapidity of technological innovation and intuitive design is increasing at an almost unthinkable pace. While these additions to our app shelf will undoubtedly contribute to our rapid adaptation and ability to keep connected and above all to cope, it will be our own mental flexibility, the ability to solve problems quickly and to come up with new ideas, that will be most valuable for our future selves.


Insight is a highly valued cognitive ability. A higher level of insight will differentiate the great from the good and provide the crucial competitive edge in the future.

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