Exit Fuseactions

Fuses should be designed so that they contain as few dependencies on the rest of the application as possible. This is why we use XFAs rather than hard-coded fuseactions. Following is a sample hard-coded fuseaction:

<form action="index.cfm?fuseaction=users.login" method="post"> 

Here is a sample XFA:

<form action="index.cfm?fuseaction=#xfa.submit#" method="post"> 

XFAs are nothing more than fuseaction values as variables. They are set in the fbx_switch.cfm just before <cfinclude> ing the fuse:

<cfcase value="privacy"> 
  <cfset xfa.continue="policy.payments"> 
  <cfset xfa.back="policy.security"> 
  <cfinclude template="dsp_privacy.cfm"> 

This allows the fbx_switch.cfm file to control where each fuse it calls is allowed to ...

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